Rabu, 15 April 2009

Update xP

Ahaha, sorry for not update my blog lately to my royal reader xD agagaga,just kiding2 around ba xD. Actualy nothing happen this few day, only a few stories i have. Yesterday i'm not school but its mid year exam,ahaha, its BM n Ug 1 yesterday, i have an appointment with doctor, my nose have an alergy to something, even i don't know what is it,ahaha, weird hah! . Yeah i know. This day well i have an exam on english paper 1, oh how i hate much this composition, i don't have any bright idea so what pop up in my mind i write it down,ahaha, well letter wasn't bad,i hope that i get good mark, dang it. Ahaha, so i went early coz only english xD. Tomorrow will be math 1 and geo 1 or 2,aha, i forget lol xD. Hey i have to go now, tuti0n2 aha, i feel headache, buset aha. My mom force me to tuti0n aha. K bye2 guy xD

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