Sabtu, 25 April 2009


Fuh now i finish our mid year exam :D but in may have june olvl ooo whathefuck! Ahaha, haven't prepare a thing xD. Maybe start may i reading ahaha ;D

Now my lappy is fixed now and it officially become my lappy :D, my brother bought Dell studio :O Whathe F!! Ahaha, well he take money from his bank -,- ahaha, now i can do whatever with my brother,don't have to ask him first ahaha ME LIKEY ;D. I always train cs to sharpen my accuracy. Well nothing much this few day just playing cs in server, i play at gigaserver,sorpack,naoh,brune addicted cs n s0metime sg becouse i cannot to sg, always responding,so bullshit la ahaha. K guys bye2 :D

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