Khamis, 30 April 2009

my recent pic :D

nah gambr2 recent yg ku men :D ahaha na pro, sdg2 ja xD

Sabtu, 25 April 2009


Fuh now i finish our mid year exam :D but in may have june olvl ooo whathefuck! Ahaha, haven't prepare a thing xD. Maybe start may i reading ahaha ;D

Now my lappy is fixed now and it officially become my lappy :D, my brother bought Dell studio :O Whathe F!! Ahaha, well he take money from his bank -,- ahaha, now i can do whatever with my brother,don't have to ask him first ahaha ME LIKEY ;D. I always train cs to sharpen my accuracy. Well nothing much this few day just playing cs in server, i play at gigaserver,sorpack,naoh,brune addicted cs n s0metime sg becouse i cannot to sg, always responding,so bullshit la ahaha. K guys bye2 :D

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Update xP

Ahaha, sorry for not update my blog lately to my royal reader xD agagaga,just kiding2 around ba xD. Actualy nothing happen this few day, only a few stories i have. Yesterday i'm not school but its mid year exam,ahaha, its BM n Ug 1 yesterday, i have an appointment with doctor, my nose have an alergy to something, even i don't know what is it,ahaha, weird hah! . Yeah i know. This day well i have an exam on english paper 1, oh how i hate much this composition, i don't have any bright idea so what pop up in my mind i write it down,ahaha, well letter wasn't bad,i hope that i get good mark, dang it. Ahaha, so i went early coz only english xD. Tomorrow will be math 1 and geo 1 or 2,aha, i forget lol xD. Hey i have to go now, tuti0n2 aha, i feel headache, buset aha. My mom force me to tuti0n aha. K bye2 guy xD

Selasa, 7 April 2009


Ahahahaha, happy birthday meow(ayun) agagaga, mikin tuha mikin cantik xP. Bgi tuna ja ahaha xD

Shit day today

Fuck, today was so fucking bad luck. Kamu mau apa tejadi? Bh ku gtau, hari ni asembly kami awal kul 7.15 ku dtng 7.19 babi nah bediri e, ikt line dance g kami ahaha, siuk plg liat jubur p0mpuan yg di dpn menari atu,ahahahahaha :P. Atu good plg dikit tapi ane lagi, kasut sukan gila baie lakap bh tapak nya, ku jalan teirit2 mcm org sakit kaki, then masuk ke dkt foyer mcm staf2 cikgu(nda ku ingat) ahahaha, aku membyr 2k n0vember, then cikgu mahaliza depuity principle 2 menagur aku napa ku ctu atu, ku liat kan kasut ku ahaha, kana suh gtau parent ku 2k ambil kasut baik, mls ku kn nipun,ahaha. X ngambil resit then otw ke class te lakat bnr2 bahe x kana tawa kn oleh kwn2 ku shit p ukan semua plg malang ku e gila. Then P.E g 1 period P.E meliat ja org then 2nd period baru main sekajap c duan(kls 5i) menyampuk,ahaha, biar tia sasak ku plg. Ahahaha, ane g B.M tst mem0den kn ahaha, nda ku suka 2. Then period ugama lagi, ahahaha, arh libry,aku,wafie,ghazali ma adry beceta kami,ahaha, x abis peri0d ugama cikgu menahan kami tuk meny0al kami,aHAHAHAHAHA, sasak ku ari ane malang e, krg tuti0n apa g masalah mcm2 e ahahaha. Bh bye2 e :D krg x g aha

Isnin, 6 April 2009


Ahaha, today my school have a m0tivati0n damn la, last year have it t but it for form 5, im repeater that why,ahaha. But its nice, no study but just to hear m0tivati0n only ahahahaha. We have a new timetable, the important subject is at period 6 7 n always at 8 9, no go home early, only at 1 2 or 3 4 n 5 have free period damn la,ahaha. K bye2 hear s0me m0tivati0n to m0tivate me agagagagagagaga.

Ahad, 5 April 2009


WHAT THE FUCK!! All day i'm thinking about someone that i didn't know,ahaha, yea strange, TO ME IT'S VERY FUCKING WIERD becouse the other day some girl looking at me many time, she was beautiful but i don't know her,ahaha. REALLY2 WEIRD U KNOW THAT AHAHA,maybe if i encounter her,i will try to minta her email :P agaga,k2 bye2 guys :D